University of Louisville Family Medicine Residency Call Schedule

The structure of medical education in Russian federation

Medical didactics in Russia has a complex multi-stage structure. The first pace of an applicant on the style to mastering the profession of a doc will be passing a unified state exam (Apply) or internal examinations of a medical university, conducted for foreign citizens. Adjacent, the student volition accept to complete a 4-twelvemonth bachelor'due south program, at the cease of which the graduate will exist able to work but in junior medical positions (nurse, paramedic), but only after undergoing accreditation.

To become a physician, an bidder must take a different path — enroll in a specialty plan. The duration of studies at the specialty programs is at least 5 years (psychology, pharmaceuticals, dentistry), after which a graduate volition be able to begin medical practice, but also needs to undergo accreditation.

Graduates of medical universities (bachelors, specialists) must undergo the primary accreditation procedure, which includes checking the theoretical knowledge and practical skills caused past students during the learning process. Just after passing the test successfully the graduate has the right, without additional training, to start working in the positions of principal care specialists, that is, a pediatrician and local therapist.

To become a narrower specialty (for instance, a surgeon, cardiologist or gastroenterologist), it is necessary to written report for a total of 6-9 years and continue instruction in residency (two-4 years). If the student has a desire to engage in research activities, then he should think nigh entering a graduate school and then undergo doctoral studies.

It is interesting that Russian universities offer a wide range of higher didactics programs to railroad train specialists in fields related to medicine, for example, physiology, medical psychology, medical physics, biochemistry, pharmacology, genetics, entomology, embryology, pharmaceuticals, zoology, physiotherapy exercises, and forensic science and biology. It is much easier to enter these specialties than medical ones, plus yous tin report at a state university at the faculty of chemistry or biology. Some other reward of such programs is that it is much easier to transfer to a foreign academy to continue studying in the specialty "biologist" than in the medical specialty.

Medical education programs in Russia

Program Duration of study
General Medicine half dozen years
Pediatrics half dozen years
Dentistry five years
Chemist's shop 5.five years
Clinical Psychology 5.5 years
Nursing 4 years Available'due south

The advantages of medical education in Russia

  • Instruction central (anatomy, histology, biochemistry, etc.) and clinical disciplines (surgery, therapy) has e'er been a stiff point of Russian medical didactics;
  • Depression toll of training in Russian medical universities in comparing with similar programs in the U.s. and Europe;
  • Strict subject area. Being late might result in compulsory work at the time that is user-friendly to the professor, in example of being absent the educatee must pay to accept a grab-up class. The absentees often accept to prepare bookish essays. For systematic absenteeism from classes, the student might face expulsion, which motivates the student to always nourish classes;
  • For strange students, many medical schools provide preparatory courses, aimed at applicants who exercise not have sufficient knowledge of the Russian language;
  • Talented students have the opportunity to apply for state-funded places and receive a pocket-size scholarship;
  • Foreigners are allowed not to take the Utilise, as medical universities behave internal exams in Russian or English for international students.

Disadvantages of medical didactics in Russia

  • Russian medical universities are very theory heavy, while applied noesis takes the back seat. While in European countries and the USA, medical students spend more time in practical exercises using diverse simulators, in Russia such luxury is not however available to all universities;
  • Since the curators are not paid for mentoring residency students, young residents have to do the most rough work in the department in hospitals, which is practically not related to treating patients. Students have to independently look for an opportunity to practice.

Admission requirements at medical universities in Russia for foreigners

A foreign student tin enter a medical academy to undergo bachelor's or specialty programs immediately after graduation from high school. If y'all wish, y'all can accept a preparatory course to adapt to the new cultural environment, increment the Russian language proficiency and enhance knowledge in bones subjects.

What is required from a foreigner for admission?

  • Document on the received secondary or vocational educational activity, equivalent to Russian (with notarized translation into Russian);
  • Application for admission;
  • Referral from Rosobrnadzor (upon reception of a country-funded quota);
  • Re-create of the information pages of the passport with a notarized translation;
  • Re-create of a pupil visa;
  • Certificate confirming the absence of infectious diseases and HIV;
  • 6 photos in 4x6cm format;
  • Migration card or temporary or permanent residence permit;
  • TOEFL, IELTS certificate or equivalent for training in English;
  • For applicants from the CIS countries, when enrolling to state-funded places it is necessary to have a nascence certificate of one of the parents born in the USSR, or a union document.
Academy Min. requirements Bachelor's and Specialist Kickoff and end of acceptance of applications
Sechenov University
  • figurer testing or USE results
  • average score for admission to the state funded seat is 56+
  • beginning June 20
  • end August 27-29
  • start of training September 1
  • beginning October nineteen
  • stop October 25-29
  • start of training November one
  • Pirogov Medical University
  • computer testing or USE results
  • average score for access to the country funded seat is 73+
  • beginning June twenty
  • cease July ten in instance in that location are entrance exams
  • July 26th entering by Utilise results
  • until July 10 in case of admission to fee-paying seats and taking entrance exams
  • August 18th entering by USE results
  • start of training on September i
  • Saint petersburg Country Pediatric Medical University
  • Apply results or a written exam for future bachelors and specialists, oral — for masters.
  • average score for admission to the state funded seat is 69+
  • first to June 20
  • Budget:
  • end of July 10 undergraduate / specialty in instance in that location are archway exams conducted by the university
  • end of July 26 main in case there are entrance exams conducted by the university
  • Contract:
  • finish of July 10 undergraduate / specialty
  • terminate of Baronial 8 master's
  • program outset of studies on September i of
  • Pavlov University
  • exam results or exams: chemistry orally, biological science in writing
  • average score for access to the state funded seat is 75
  • beginning June xx
  • end July 10
  • start of training September 1
  • Ryazan Country Medical University
  • results of the Employ or internal exams in mathematics, the Russian language, chemistry and biology, the full passing score is 263 for the state-funded and 154 for the contract identify.
  • For CIS citizens:
  • from June 20 to July x if taken an internal
  • entrance examinations
  • from 20 June to 18 July if talent the Employ exam
  • For non-CIS citizens:
  • from June twenty to July ten for admission after the training courses
  • from June 20 to August x for everyone else
  • the start of preparation September ane
  • Volgograd State Medical University
  • Utilize or internal exams results
  • average score for access to the country funded seat is 60+
  • to 28 July for applicants without examination within quotas
  • before 1 August for the applicants on the basis of competition
  • training starting September i
  • Siberian State Medical Academy
  • Utilize or internal exams results
  • average score for admission to the country funded seat is 60+
  • Bachelor's/specialty:
  • beginning June 18
  • to July 14 (budget) until August 20
  • Primary'southward program:
  • from June 18 to August 10
  • start of studies on September one
  • Preparatory programs for admission to medical universities in Russia

    Foreign applicants who practise not have sufficient knowledge of Russian language can cull to participate in preparatory programs. The duration of training depends on the initial level of cognition of the pupil. Every bit a rule, foreigners enter a standard one-year form, which includes intensive classes in Russian (4-5 hours daily) and the study of several basic disciplines, for example, chemistry, biology and mathematics, which will assistance the student to consolidate existing noesis and successfully pass the introductory exams. Moreover, the preparatory class most frequently includes various cultural events that let a foreign student to speedily adapt to the new environment and go to know their classmates in an informal setting.

    Most medical schools offer preparatory courses of varying lengths for students with unlike levels of Russian language proficiency, for example, a five-calendar month plan that accepts foreigners with basic knowledge of the Russian linguistic communication. To get training exclusively in Russian without studying additional disciplines, y'all tin enter an intensive course. If the student wants to get more than thorough grooming, so he should enroll in a ii-yr preparatory class, which includes the report of several specialized disciplines for medical specialists. During the first semester, students master the basics of the Russian language, and from the 2d semester, specialized disciplines are added to it, which students study in depth.

    As a rule, classes in preparatory departments start at the start of the school year in September and end in June-July, but many medical universities enroll students for the grade later on, depending on when the greenhorn arrived in Russia. At the end of the training, students pass an examination, according to the results of which they are enrolled in the main plan at a medical university. If a foreigner does non gain the required number of points for the exam, he is expelled.

    University Program Language proficiency Elapsing Cost
    Sechenov Academy
  • preparation for inbound a university besides for those entering PhD/registracy and having medical qualifications
  • Russian as a foreign language
  • Russian equally a foreign language (intensive)
  • Base of operations
  • No prior cognition
  • five months
  • ii years
  • ane twelvemonth
  • one,000 USD
  • 1,999 USD 1,489 USD for the second year
  • 1,999 USD
  • Pirogov Medical University preparatory section No prior knowledge 1 yr 1,990 USD
    Leningrad State Pediatric Medical Academy preparatory department No prior knowledge ane twelvemonth one,298 USD
    Pavlov Academy preparatory kinesthesia No prior knowledge i year one,298 USD
    Ryazan State Medical Academy preparatory courses No prior cognition 1 year i,428 USD
    Volgograd State Medical University preparatory department No prior knowledge 1 year
  • 2,000 USD in Russian
  • 4,000 USD in another available language
  • Tuition for medical specialties in Russia for foreigners (in Russian)

    Every bit a rule, teaching at medical universities in Russian federation is conducted in Russian, and then a strange student needs to accept a proficiency of at least B1. This would be enough to first studying at the university. A foreigner can achieve this level of proficiency attending preparatory courses, which are conducted by many medical universities. Students who are fluent in Russian tin can apply for scholarships or written report at the expense of the state budget.

    University Available'due south year Specialty twelvemonth Master'due south year Residency year Graduate school twelvemonth Doctoral studies twelvemonth
    Sechenov University 952-2,553 USD 1,826-45,868 USD 865-2,380 USD 2,475-3,462 USD 1,731-3,600 USD 1,592-2,250 USD
    Pirogov Medical University i,990-three,332 USD 1,990-3,332 USD - 3,029-3,462 USD ii,596-3,548 USD -
    Leningrad State Pediatric Medical University one,367-i,471 USD i,476-ii,596 USD 1,597 USD one,913 USD 1,787 USD 952 USD
    Pavlov Academy ii,218-2,661 USD 2,218-two,661 USD ii,218-2,661 USD 2,218-ii,661 USD 2,218-2,661 USD 2,218-2,661 USD
    Ryazan State Medical University 1,017 USD bachelor for citizens of Russia and CIS countries having agreements with Russian federation i,281-2,466 USD 1,089 USD available for citizens of Russian federation and CIS countries having agreements with Russian federation 2,337 USD two,683 USD -
    Volgograd State Medical University two,330 USD 2,330-6,600 USD 2,330-6,600 USD iii,900-viii,000 USD 4,000-four,500 USD -
    Siberian State Medical University 1,283-ane,412 USD 1,283-1,790 USD / two,337 USD bilingual plan - 1,511-one,817 USD i,487-1,986 USD -

    The price of training in medical specialties in Russia for foreigners (in English)

    To report in a medical specialty at a Russian university, a foreigner does not need to know Russian, as some universities offer programs in English. Unfortunately, at this stage, the number of programs conducted in English is significantly less than in Russian. Another of import point — grooming in English is possible simply on a paid-contract basis.

    Academy Programs Bachelor's yr Specialty year Master's year Residency year
    Siberian State Medical University General Medicine v,700 USD first yr; 4,700 USD after 5,700 USD first yr; four,700 USD later on 5,700 USD commencement year; four,700 USD after -
    Sechenov University
  • General Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Clinical Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Medical Biochemistry
  • 952-2,553 USD i,826-4,587 USD 865-2,380 USD 2,475-three,462 USD
    Oryol State University
  • General Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • v,500 USD kickoff yr; 4,500 USD after 5,500 USD get-go yr; four,500 USD after - -
    Ryazan Land Medical Academy General Medicine 4,250 USD two,293 USD/yr 4,250 USD iv,250 USD -
    Astrakhan State Medical University
  • Chemist's
  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • - 1,125-1,264 USD - -
    Volgograd State Medical University
  • Chemist's
  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • five,930 USD 4,530 USD half dozen,600 USD 6,500 USD-8000
    RUDN University
  • Clinical Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Cardinal Medicine
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Biochemistry
  • Genetics
  • - 8,500-9,500 USD 4,200-5,300 USD -

    State-funded studies for strange students in Russia

    Every year, the Russian government allocates the quota to 15 thousand foreign students. Each university conducts entrance examinations in various subjects, they can be oral or written. Some universities conduct computer testing. In add-on, strange citizens, if desired, can pass the exam. The law states that strange students enrolled in the land-funded quota are provided with a hostel and state scholarship throughout the entire flow of report, regardless of academic functioning. To get a participant in this program, a foreign student must indicate that he is going to enter a medical university nether a quota. It is worth mentioning that an applicant who wants to apply for the country-funded place in a medical university without knowing the Russian language can finish preparatory courses for free at the expense of the state budget.


    Later on receiving a caste of higher medical instruction, a university graduate has 2 options — to kickoff medical practice every bit a local physician/pediatrician (available later on accreditation) or to proceeds invaluable experience in residency and become a narrow specialist (gastroenterologist, gynecologist, etc.).

    Graduates of medical universities who want to proceeds experience and acquire deeper knowledge in a particular specialty enter the residency. Residents are attached to the infirmary or clinic, where they human action as assistants. The work of a immature specialist is supervised by a practitioner, who shows him various aspects of his piece of work. But oft the student has to do a lot of manual piece of work, which includes filling out patient histories, staying on duty, and much more than. In parallel with the piece of work in the hospital, the intern attends lectures at the university and passes exams. The duration of training depends on the specialty, which the resident intends to receive, and varies from 2 to vi years. At the end of the residency, the pupil passes final exams, later on which he receives a certificate allowing him to begin a total-fledged medical practice in a narrow specialty.

    For admission to residency, a graduate of a medical academy must pass an entrance exam in a examination format. In full, the applicant is invited to complete 60 tasks in hour. Exam results are valid for 1 calendar year.


    A foreign student who is interested in developing his scientific potential can enter postgraduate studies immediately after graduation, bypassing internships. To become a graduate student, he needs to pass archway tests and take recommendations from the members of Academic Quango of the academy, which accept a specialist diploma. Y'all can enter both state-funded and the contract places. A huge plus for country-funded students is the availability of monthly scholarship payments.

    Postgraduate studies can be compared to advanced training, a graduate student studies a certain direction in medicine in-depth, and writes a scientific dissertation based on the chosen medical field. The success of the graduate educatee and the progress in writing scientific piece of work is monitored by a curator; he also draws up an individual work programme for him, which sets the milestones and deadlines for writing a dissertation. Information technology is noteworthy that if the programme is not fulfilled, graduate students can be expelled.

    In addition to writing his scientific work, the postgraduate pupil's duties include attending additional classes, as well as actively participating in the work of the department to which he is attached. Often, graduate students requite lectures or practical classes for junior students. After defending the dissertation, the graduate educatee is awarded the degree of candidate of sciences, which allows him to start a teaching career in his native or any other academy, or to head off into science. The duration of postgraduate studies in the medical specialty is 3 years (full-time) or 4 years (role-fourth dimension).

    Doctoral studies

    Doctoral studies are a great opportunity to pursue a career in the scientific field. To become a doctoral educatee at a medical university, you must have a russian title of candidate of science (or a strange title equivalent to it), work experience in the specialty, as well as research experience of at least 3 years. In add-on, the doctoral candidate must have published scientific papers. For a three-yr menses of study in doctoral studies, a doctoral pupil needs to do serious research work: set a plan for a scientific dissertation and provide the department with finished work. To help the doctoral student, the academy appoints a scientific consultant who has a Doctoral of Science degree , and if necessary, experts from other educational institutions are invited as consultants. After defending a dissertation, a doctoral candidate is awarded a scientific degree, which is supported by a diploma of a doctor of sciences. An important point: doctoral studies are only possible full-fourth dimension.

    Transfer from a foreign university to a medical university in Russia

    Transferring from a foreign university to a Russian one cannot be called easy, since not all foreign qualifications are recognized in Russia and are equivalent to Russian ones. Information technology is more than or less articulate with the academy diplomas of participants in the CIS countries, since international agreements on the mutual recognition of documents on education are in identify betwixt them and the Russian federation. Merely when information technology comes to universities in Europe and the USA the process is a little more complicated. In whatever instance, the strange applicant at the first stage notifies the selected university of his desire to continue his studies, prepares the necessary packet of documents, which includes the applicant'south passport data, an application with the specified specialty and style of study, documents virtually the instruction received from a foreign university, photographs, and also a medical certificate. More than detailed information on the list of documents for transfer from a foreign academy can be found on the website of the selected university.

    Every bit a rule, an application for transfer is submitted digitally and filled out on the website of the educational institution, digital copies of documents can be attached to the application (again, it depends on the requirements of a particular university). No later than 14 days after the awarding is submitted by a foreigner, the university certification committee, evaluates the documents for compliance with the qualifications received past the bidder in a foreign university with the requirements of a Russian university. The commission evaluates the list of completed disciplines, internships and scientific work credits for which can exist reapplied in the future, after which the applicant will be allowed to study in the called specialty. The decision to consider or reject documents of a foreign applicant is made by the commission within three calendar days. The commission shall notify the candidate of its decision via email.

    A foreign applicant may receive a letter of refusal or transfer to the chosen specialty with the need for competitive selection. In the latter example, the applicant passes certification in the format of figurer testing. Some universities may behave boosted tests in English (if the applicant does not have a language certificate). Computer testing tin be carried out both in Russian and in English language, if the applicant does not know Russian sufficiently.

    Benefits and scholarships for foreign students in Russia

    A huge advantage of studying at a medical university in Russian federation for foreigners is the opportunity to written report for free and receive a country scholarship on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation. Withal, for this you need to get through a very strict competitive selection. Information technology should exist noted that the size of the scholarship for foreign citizens can exist called "symbolic" of merely fourteen USD (in 2018), which is equivalent to 25 USD per month. But together with the scholarship, a foreigner gets the opportunity to report and live in a academy dormitory for costless. Some other nice bonus is that the scholarship is paid regardless of the academic functioning of a foreign student, which is not the instance for Russian students.

    The scholarship does not cover travel expenses to the identify of report Тем не м#? still, full-time students are given discounts on public transport with no regard to the citizenship , accommodation (food) and medical insurance. The student must take care of this on his own accordance. In some cases, a foreigner can apply for other scholarships organized by individual foundations and non-governmental organizations. To practise this, the student must demonstrate excellent academic operation, participate in various competitions and contests, as well as be an agile member of the university community.

    Recognition of a Russian medical diploma in other countries

    Diplomas of Russian medical universities are not recognized past most countries of the world (USA, Europe), simply are quoted in the CIS countries due to existing agreements on mutual recognition and equivalence of educational documents, academic degrees and ranks. Even if a diploma issued by a Russian academy falls within the scope of this understanding, information technology is quite possible that upon farther examination of educational documents the receiving political party (academy, employer) will oblige a graduate of a Russian academy to undergo legalization and/or recognition procedures for his diploma, pass additional exams or study. This decision may be affected past the accreditation of the establishment that issued the diploma, the difference in the number of hours worked in a particular field of study, and the content of the curriculum itself. You should likewise have into account the fact that higher requirements are imposed on graduates of medical universities for employment, since the lives of patients depend on the level of competence of the former student.

    As for the recognition of medical diplomas of Russian universities in foreign countries, everything hither is much more complicated. A academy graduate and even a doctor with feel must have their diploma officially recognized and laissez passer a qualification exam. This is due to the fact that Western doctors report at universities and medical schools longer than their Russian counterparts. In some countries (Germany, Czech Commonwealth, etc.), a graduate of a academy tin can immediately get a job as a doctor'south assistant, while his diploma is being recognized, only has to be expert in the local language.

    Accommodations for strange students during their studies at a Russian medical academy

    A foreign student may apply for a identify in a university dormitory, provided that the institution has its own dorms. Equally a rule, students live in rooms of 2-iii people and are provided with necessary furniture and bedding. Students acquire household items and electrical appliances at their own expense. Many dormitories (but not all) have a student buffet or a dining room, a self-study training centre, a gym, a medical room, a laundry room and an Cyberspace middle with computers and copy machines.

    Equally for amenities, they are commonly located on the floor, as well as kitchens equipped with gas stoves and dining tables, so students tin can cook their own meals. It is worth noting that frequently hostels are located in dilapidated buildings, and so before entering it is worth separately checking information on the quality of adaptation and the housing conditions. The cost of accommodation in a hostel varies from 40 USD to 80 USD per calendar month.

    If the academy cannot provide a foreigner with a place in the residence, then the student can merely rent a house or apartment. It is worth noting that in the capital and other major cities, adaptation can cost "a pretty penny." Therefore, foreigners often rent housing for several people to reduce costs. Prices for rental housing in Moscow showtime from 32 thousand rubles per month for a one-room apartment and from 173 USD per month per room in a two-3-room apartment. Plus, it is worth adding food expenses — about 150-200 USD per month. Renting a place in the province is not demanding for a student's budget, for example, living in a one-room apartment in Rostov-on-Don will cost effectually 130 USD per month, and you lot can rent a room for 87 USD per month. Food costs volition also be less — nearly 120-150 USD per month.

    Prospects after graduation in Russia

    After acquiring a diploma, a foreign pupil tin return to their home country or apply for a work permit and search for suitable vacancies. The most resourceful students are looking for work during their studies at the university. Information technology is noteworthy that foreigners are immune to work while studying, but just in their gratis time, because if the student misses classes due to work, he or she might take to retake said classes or be expelled in instance of repeated absence.

    A foreign student can count on finding a chore in Russia as medics thank you to the vacancies that medical universities regularly post on their websites, as they piece of work with both public hospitals and individual clinics throughout Russia. In some universities, special departments take been created to aid foreigners with finding work not only in Russian merely also in strange companies. An important role is played by the personal contacts that the educatee establishes during his studies at the university. Interestingly, the presence of a Russian diploma allows a foreigner to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation according to a simplified procedure. In add-on to a diploma from a Russian academy, he needs to have three years of work feel in a specialty, confirmed by an entry in the workbook.

    Foreign students who accept completed a specialty or master's program can proceed their inquiry activities in a graduate school, and and then in doctoral studies, afterwards which they can get a teacher'southward place in their native university. It is worth noting that in Russian medical schools there is a adequately minor pct of strange teachers, but much depends on the aspirations and plans of the student himself.

    The all-time medical universities in Russia

    The table shows the data according to the world rating THE, which includes only large state universities where you can get a medical specialty. However, in Russian federation there are specialized medical universities, in which educational activity is much more than valued.

    Photos of Russian medical universities

    Siberian State Medical University
    Siberian State Medical University
    Sechenov University
    Sechenov University
    Lomonosov Moscow State University
    Lomonosov Moscow Land Academy
    Kazan Federal University
    Kazan Federal Academy
    Far Eastern Federal University
    Far Eastern Federal Academy
    RUDN University
    RUDN University
    Pirogov University
    Pirogov University
    St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
    St. petersburg Land Pediatric Medical University

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    UniPage is an educational agency. We consult students and help them with admission to universities abroad, including the most renowned educational institutions such as Stanford, Sorbonne, and TUM.

    We are experts in our field and know how to ensure that yous enter the university that suits your goals, research interests and budget.


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